July 2, 2009

Playing catch up... MJ and the New Sibling

Just like I said it would take me a sec to get back into the flow of writing. I wasn't lying. I need to start carrying a notebook at all times again cuz believe you me I've been blogging in my head (although is that really "blogging" that'd just be regular thinking huh? oh well whatever you get what I'm sayin) and have had a WHOLE lot to write about in the last few days. So I'm gonna start at the beginning...

Michael Jackson passed a week ago today. I get an ill feeling just writing that. I honestly still can't believe it. Like MJ? Naaaah not MJ. He's invincible. He's my first crush... I broke 2 Moonwalker VHS tapes cuz I'd sit and watch him over and over for hours. Captain EO was my favorite ride at Disneyland. I mean NO Mike ISN'T dead. I couldn't handle it. I cried for 3 days. I was driving when I heard my mama was in the passenger seat and she was just as speechless but trying to console me. Unstoppable tears rolling down my cheeks from under my sunglasses. Everything at that moment just changed. It hurt. Like I knew him personally. Well hell I did. Or at least I feel like I did. I grew up on Mike. I LOVED him. I don't remember an age when I wasn't listenin to him. Every album he put out from when he was still part of Jackson 5 and on has at least 4 songs that I'd put on the soundtrack for my life, if I were to make one (which I may very well do one of these days). My point is at that moment I felt like Music died and a part of me did too. There will NEVER be another Michael. How could there be? He did and introduced the WORLD [the WORLD Craig!] to so much I don't even know where to start. Who else you know who had commercials to advertise, stopped regular primetime TV, the news on channel 7, and debut a music video?! No one. And I still don't know of anyone who made flooded ass pantlegs and glitter socks look fashionable. Despite what you may think of him you CANNOT [reasonably] deny his greatness. So RIP to the best man the music world had the privilege of knowing.

P.S. I'm going to the viewing at Neverland.

On another note... I met my little sister for the first time EVER. She's 17. Pretty lil girl who REEKS of an island upbringing. Pops brought her back from Haiti while he and his chica and my youngest brother were on vacation. I can't say that I was excited to see her initially. I first heard about her when I was 12 and up until a few days ago she was like a unicorn to me. I saw a pic of her once after going through my dad's shit, she was like 5 or 6 in the pic and in my 13 year old mind she didn't look a damn thing like me or my brother. And I'm not gonna lie some of that came from having to consider the fact that her existence took away from my shine as being the only girl. But over the years and with me and pops taking a 7 year break from each other, she went back to being a unicorn. Well I guess aside from stick his pinga in every moving thing he decided he should bring his kid to the States. And with us "working" on our relationship and me moving back closer to him, he decided to share with me that he was doing so. He told me back in February that she'd be here but you know how you hear something so many times that you just kinda put it outta your mind? Well yuh that's what I did. So you can imagine my surprise when last Friday as I was packing to leave for the weekend I get a call from him saying "Oh yuh, J is here too". Needless to say on the inside I didn't feel a whole lot. And I'm sure the response ("oh really? How nice for you") I gave reflected that. Anywaays... I went over to his house and met her. This is how it went down:

My youngest brother (7) opens the door and proceeds to climb all over me and covers my face in kisses [which as a big sis is hands down the best feeling in the world], after which I literally have to pry him offa me. I hug dad's chica and then go hug and kiss dad. Then I wait. I sat at the counter, and my "sister" is laying on the couch bout 15 ft away from me.

[[Sidenote: Maybe it's the way I was raised, but I'm the type of person who won't sit down at someone I'm not familiar with house, if I'm not invited to take a seat. I will stand till it's verbally spoken. I'm not socially retarded or anything but if there's people I don't know, I'll wait for a bit before I take the initiative to introduce myself cuz I expect the host should do it. I think it's slightly rude if they don't and this is why when I have company over I offer them a seat and introduce them immediately. I'm weird. I know]]

So finally after bout 10 minutes when he realizes I haven't gone to say nothing my dad calls her over and introduces us. She waves and I wave back. That's it.

The Next day... I get a call from my pops and get an earful bout not being more receptive and how "she's been looking forward to meeting you" and "I've told her so much about you". All to which I say "Well damn you should've talked bout her a lil more then maybe I'd be excited. But for now she's a stranger and I don't know her so get the fuck off my back." He hung up. Mind you I DID [[well do]] want to get to know her but I can't just rush into that.

[[yes I cuss at my dad. I also cuss him out every one in awhile. I believe in repsecting elders who deserve it. He don't... I'll blog on this later]]

SO I went back over there another day and after bout 30 minutes of pondering, I grab her hand pull her toward the laptop, sit her down... and I hop on my FaceBook and start showing her pics of family and we just clicked. She showed me her friends back in Haiti and DR. She even poked my boobs and laid on me while we watch Taken. OH yeah! Did I mention she doesn't speak English? We managed though. Hand gestures, the English she knows, my broken ass understanding of Kreyol, we made it work. And I feel now like it's my job to watch out for her. Like to protect her from everything I wasnt. I'm happy I have a lil sister, it's going to be fun. Stay tuned for more on this budding new sisterhood.

It's been a very eventful 7 days. I've got more but it'll have to wait for now. I shall return.


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